Present: Anthony Powers (Chair), Tony Geeson (Vice chair), Jackie Morris, Liz Morawiecka, Lorraine Lewis, Keith Ray
In attendance: 3 members of the public and Emily Godsall (clerk)
- Apologies for absence
1.1 Cllr Bob Matthews, John Wade
2. Declarations of Interest and consider requests for Dispensations
2.1 Cllr Moraweicka declared an interest in item 13.2 P204242/F Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent: Warham Court Farm as the land adjoins her own property.
3. Minutes of meeting on 16th December, action points and matters arising
3.1 The minutes were agreed and then signed via separate arrangement on 15th January 2021.
3.2 The action points and matters arising were discussed.
4. Clerk’s Report
4.1 Councillors agreed to the below payments:
Clerk’s salary £300.00
Nepeta £500.00
4.2 The clerk delivered the financial report detailing transactions made since the previous report, the bank balance as at 17th December.
4.4 The cheques were signed, bank statements and invoices initialled by separate arrangement on 15th January.
4.5 The meeting was updated on the works completed and raised throughout the parish as detailed in Mike Gill’s weekly briefings.
5. Other Reports
Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
5.1 No report this month. Cllr Matthews welcomed any questions or comments Cllrs may have which require his attention.
Police report
5.2 The meeting was informed of the vehicle crime at Breinton Springs car park in November.
5.3 John Wade informed the clerk that the way marker post on BT2A is rotten. Cllrs agreed to ask the lengthsman to provide a quote for the replacement.
Village Hall
5.4 Cllr Lorraine Lewis provided the update for the village hall. The village hall committee are applying for a further £6000 grant.
6. Clerk Expenses Policy
6.1 All Cllrs approved the amendments to the clerk expenses policy.
7. Public Consultations Affecting Breinton
The Future of Rubbish/Recycling in Herefordshire
7.1 Cllrs discussed the consultation and agreed to submit a response to this consultation as Herefordshire Council have admitted they are aware their statistics are poor.
Future of Mobility: Rural Strategy Call for Evidence
7.2 Cllrs agreed to submit a response which addressed the importance of avoiding building houses in areas with no transport provisions, and the costs of transport in rural areas which limited young people’s access. Cllr Geeson agreed to draft responses to both consultations.
8. Environment & Amenities Working Group
Breinton signage
8.1 Cllrs discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the two village entry sign options sent by Balfour Beatty which were previously circulated.
8.2 Five Cllrs agreed to choose the green design option for the replacement of all five village entry signs. Cllr Moraweicka did not vote.
8.3 The symbols are to be chosen when a list of the possible symbols are provided by Balfour Beatty.
Breinton noticeboards
8.4. Cllrs discussed the previously circulated quote received from Graham Goldsack for the production of the parish noticeboards.
8.5. All Cllrs approved in principle the quote and from Graham Goldsack. Following confirmation of the amount currently budgeted for the noticeboard replacement, and comparison with other quotes, a noticeboard of each design shall be ordered as a first instalment for the five needed.
9. Traffic and Speeding Survey
9.1 As the results of the survey have not yet been provided all Cllrs agreed to defer the item until the next meeting.
10. Lengthsman
10.1. Cllr Liz Moraweicka raised three grips which need to be cleared on U73022 east of Halfway House and the removal of summer growth on U73023 south of C1189 to the bend at the bottom of the hill past the Warham House driveway.
10.2 All Cllrs agreed for lengthsman to carry out these works.
10.3 A site meeting is to be arranged between Mike Gill (BBLP Locality Steward), Richard Mills (Lengthsman) and nominated councillors to review the large works required which have been identified in the survey of all the ditches and drains within the parish.
11. Review of the Lengthsman Contract
11.1 Cllrs discussed the example lengthman contracts which were previously circulated.
11.2 Cllr Tony Geeson suggested that the contract could be reviewed once per council lifetime.
11.3 All Cllrs agreed for the clerk to contact other local councils who have recently reviewed the lengthsman contract and ask if they are prepared to send copy of their documents.
12. S106 Wish List
12.1 Cllrs decided to defer the item to the next meeting.
12.2 Any new suggestions for the S106 Wishlist to be sent to the clerk.
13. Planning
13.1 The meeting was updated on the decision for planning application 202499 Land adjacent to Galen House Cherry Orchard; proposed dwelling and detached garage which will be going to Planning Committee on 18th January.
13.2 The parish council were given the opportunity to register to speak at the meeting but decided not to as it was felt there was nothing further usefully to add to the comments already submitted.
13.3 Cllrs discussed planning application P204242/F Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent: Warham Court Farm, Breinton Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 7PF; Demolition of existing barns within the grounds of a Listed Building. Proposed new farm shop and cafe and office accommodation buildings with associated car parking area.
13.4 Comments received from members of the public on the application were sent to the Cllrs. Members of the public present were invited to speak on the application. Their concerns with the application included the increase in traffic, numerous unclear accesses, and the future the Community Farm.
13.5 The Cllrs agreed to submit a response which would focus on the sustainability of the application, the viability of the proposed business units and anticipated increase in traffic levels on narrow lanes.
14. Correspondence
14.1 All correspondence was previously circulated to Cllrs.
15. Items for next agenda
15.1 Review of Lengthsman Contract
S106 Wishlist
Traffic and Speeding Survey
Annual Maintenance Plan
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next Meeting – 17th February 2021