Monday 13 June – Friday 29 July 2022
Place Shaping is the third public consultation to be undertaken in 2022, the results of which will help inform the preparation of a new local plan for Herefordshire.
Information can be found at the following web address
The consultation sets out possible options and/or potential strategic development areas for Hereford, each of the County’s market towns together with a range of alternative settlement hierarchies for rural parts of Herefordshire.
The consultation does not set out firm proposals, which will come later in the process, but does look at different ways that Hereford, the market towns and rural areas could be developed over the next 20 years.
Following the close of this consultation a draft local plan will be prepared. Much of the evidence base for the plan will be developed over the summer and autumn and, together with the results of the consultations undertaken during 2022, will form the basis to support the plans policies and proposals. Further consultation upon a draft local plan will be undertaken in 2023.
We would love to hear your views on the options of potential areas for growth presented for each of the market towns and the rural areas. There is a tile for each to find out more. Please go to the questions tile to answer the questions once you’ve read the information.
There are a number of events planned for officers to go out and speak to residents about the options and answer questions. The dates for these events start at the end of June and more information about the venues and times can be found on the events website tile.
For those unable to attend the events but wanting to hear questions answered, we will be uploading the Members’ and Parish/Town Council briefing meetings onto the website.
There is also the chance to suggest areas that may not have been explored as possibilities yet, by pinning your suggestion and comments in the Interactive Map.
For landowners or agents wanting to submit information about a specific site, there is the opportunity on the Call for Sites page.
If you have any questions about the forthcoming consultation, please feel free to contact us. or 01432 383357.