Minutes of Meeting
held on 22nd March 2017

Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Anthony Powers, Lorraine Lewis, Keith Ray, Liz Morawiecka, Jackie Morris.

In attendance: Tom Davies (internal auditor), John Wade (footpath officer), several members of the public, Graeme Adkin (Clerk).

1. Apologies for absence

1.1 Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

2. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations

2.1 No declarations of interest.

3. Minutes of meeting 22nd February 2017 and matters arising

3.1 Minutes discussed. Cllrs proposed revisions at point 6 of minutes. Changes to be confirmed, before agreement and signing at May mtg.

4. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay

4.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 3rd March 2017.

4.2 Clerk explained remuneration of expenses. Cllrs understood the reasons for the amounts claimed and approved the following payments:-
Lengthsman – £225.30
Tigergeo – (Wyecliffe Survey) £600.00
Reimburse clerk
– 123-Reg (domain name) £9.59 )
– Annual exps (per sheet) – £805.25 ) £814.84
Clerk salary – as agreed by Cllrs

4.3 Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.

4.4 Clerk advised Cllrs of the works carried out by the Locality Steward.

5. Other Reports

Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

5.1 No report


5.2 Clerk reported the new members of the SNT.

5.3 Advised Cllrs of theft of vehicle from Breinton Springs.

Footpaths Officer

5.4 John reported that gates replaced on BT 2 – either side of lane. Not sure if gate to south replaced by lengthsman at this point.
Village Hall

5.5 Lorraine reported on the VH meeting on 8/3/17. There are 2 new members of the committee, and they hope to put on more village events.

5.6 Lorraine is no longer the VHMC secretary, but remains the BPC representative on the VHMC.

Tree Warden

5.7 Clerk gave the Tree Warden report.

5.8 Liz offered vote of thanks for Nicky Geeson for her work as Tree Warden, and proposed that the BPC support the Tree Charter.

5.9 Clerk to check Herefordshire Council’s timescale for dealing with the TPO request.

6. Environment and Amenities Working Group

6.1 Keith advised that the geo-physical survey will form part of the base of the historical environment review.

Breinton Springs Interpretation Board

6.2 Keith advised that the photos of pottery circulated previously, were not suitable for inclusion on the Breinton Springs Interpretation Board.

6.3 Keith advised that it has not been possible to source architect’s drawings of the church.

6.4 Keith will research other pictorial evidence for the Interpretation Board, but this will obviously need a re-write of the proposed narrative.

6.5 Tony advised that an anonymous donor has promised up to £1,000 towards a bench at Breinton Common where the telephone box had stood. This might also be a suitable site for a further Board. Keith suggested that this should explain the history of the Common, and why there is no actual Common there.

Quiet lanes

6.6 Tony to contact the Safer Roads Partnership regarding a rural speed re-duction zone for Breinton.

Notice boards

6.7 Noticeboards to be replaced when required. Reserve to fund the cost of this is in place.

6.8 Keith reported that he has received offers of help from 10 people to help with various aspects of the EAWG. This will include an audit to focus on the natural and historical environment of the area. The idea is to improve the evidence base and identify specific proposals and identify other areas of importance.

7. Lengthsman

7.1 Clerk advised that delivery of 2nd gate for BT2 had been delayed. Will pursue further.

7.2 Clerk advised agreement from the landowner for drainage works had been received. It now appears that the ditch outside the neighbouring property requires similar works. Cllrs agreed to fund this on the same basis but as a one off.

8. Planning

a) Recent decisions

8.1 Planning application for Middle Barns, Lower Breinton (170203 & 170204), mezzanine level and skylight has been approved.

8.2 Approval of reserved matters for 2 dwellings at Verso, Swainshill (170134) has been refused.

b) Applications to consider: –

8.3 Land of Breinton Lee, Kings Acre Road (170579)
Several members of the public were in attendance to hear this discussion. Various concerns were raised. Clerk to draft letter to Planning Officer requesting that the reserved matters are not determined.

8.4 Land adjacent to Veldifer House (170403)
Cllrs discussed this application. Clerk to draft statements in response.

c) Current proposed development at Three Elms

8.5 Cllrs approved Tony’s 2nd draft, but requested that this be made into an even firmer response.

9. Dispensations

9.1 Cllrs considered the drafted dispensations. These are to be revised to include the LDF and Hereford Area Plan, and the NDP and EAWG. They will be extended for another year.

10. Hereford Transport Package

10.1 This topic was discussed. Liz to draft a response on behalf of the Parish Council

11. Risk Assessment

11.1 Cllrs considered the draft circulated previously be the clerk. Draft agreed.

12. Correspondence

12.1 No points arising.

13. Items for next agenda

13.1 None advised

Meeting closed at 21.12hrs

Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair

Date of next meeting – 17th Ma