Present: Liz Morawiecka (Elected Chair), Tony Geeson (Vice chair), Jackie Morris, Keith Ray, Anthony Powers (Outgoing Chair).

In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, Tom Davies (internal auditor) and Emily Godsall (clerk)

21/01 Election of Chair

1.1 After a long discussion, Councillor Moraweicka agreed to be Chair and all Cllrs RESOLVED to elect Cllr Moraweicka as Chair.

1.2 Cllr Moraweicka signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chair. The clerk signed as a witness.

1.3 Tom Davies commended the Parish Council for continuing through the current Covid 19 pandemic.

1.4 Anthony Powers resigned as a councillor and left the meeting.

21/02 Apologies for absence

2.1 Cllr Lorraine Lewis, John Wade (Footpaths officer)

21/03 Declarations of Interest and consider requests for Dispensations

3.1 None were declared

21/04 Election of Officers

4.1 All Cllrs RESOLVED to re-elect Cllr Geeson as Vice Chair.

4.2 All Cllrs RESOLVED to re-elect Tom Davies as Internal Auditor.

4.3 All Cllrs RESOLVED to re-elect John Wade as Footpaths Officer.

21/05 Minutes of meeting on 17th March, action points and matters arising

5.1 All Cllrs RESOLVED the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair Cllr Moraweicka.

21/06 Chair’s Report

6.1 Cllr Moraweicka delivered the outgoing Chair’s report.

6.2 Cllrs agreed the report should be added to the website and a copy sent to Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty), Ward Cllr Bob Matthews and Richard Ball (HC director and running Balfour Beatty contract).

21/07 Annual Governance Statement and Accountability Return (AGAR) to consider

7.1 Cllrs RESOLVED to accept the Internal Audit Report. No issues has been raised with the internal audit.

7.2 Cllrs RESOLVED to agree compliance had been met with the Governance Statements. The Chair Cllr Moraweicka and the clerk signed.

7.3 Cllrs RESOLVED to accept the Accounting Statements. The Chair Cllr Moraweicka and the clerk signed.

7.4 Cllrs RESOLVED that the relevant criteria had been met to submit the Exemption Certificate to the external auditor PKF Littlejohn. The Chair Cllr Moraweicka and the clerk signed

7.5 Cllrs RESOLVED to accept the dates 14th June to 26th July 2012 for the Exercise of Public Rights.

21/08 Code Of Conduct

8.1 Cllrs agreed to defer this item until Herefordshire Council have adopted the new Code of conduct to remain consistent with them.

21/09 Clerk’s Report

9.1 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the below payments:

BHIB Insurance £199.93

Clerk’s salary £600.00

9.2 Cllrs noted the payments made under delegated powers:

Lengthsman £343.32

John Finch Computers £85.00

9.3  The clerk delivered the financial report detailing transactions made since the previous report, the bank balance as at 17th March 2021 and the bank reconciliation.

9.4 The cheques were signed, bank statements and invoices initialled.

21/10 Other Reports

10.1 Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

10.1.1 Cllr Matthews attended the meeting and provided a report on recent updates. A recent meeting had been attended by Cllr John Harrrington, Steve Burgess and Jamie Fishbank on the 40mph speed limit as part of the Safer Roads Scheme, which has the full support of Herefordshire Council. Currently the concentration is on footpaths towards Rotherwas to get people away from the main traffic flow.

10.1.2 Following the disappoint of the TRO, Cllr Matthews reported that Ray Wallace had been enthusiastic about the proposed 40mph limit throughout the whole parish due to the volume of various road users.

10.1.3 An amended plan for Warham Court Farm planning application 204242 is expected to be published within the next week.

10.1.4 Cllr Matthews has been contacted by members of the public with flooding concerns on the C1189 in Lower Breinton.

10.2 Police

10.2.1 The meeting was updated on the incidents reports in March 2021 including a bicycle theft at Breinton Springs carpark and another theft on Breinton Common were

10.2.2 Two recent thefts have been reported the parish council by Herefordshire Cllr Jim Kenyon who owns property at Breinton Common.

10.3 Footpaths

10.3.1 No report this month

10.4 Village Hall

10.4.1 No report received in Cllr Lewis’ absence

10.5 Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty)

10.5.1  The meeting was updated on the works completed and raised throughout the parish as detailed in Mike Gill’s weekly briefings.

21/11. Public Consultations affecting Breinton

11. Draft Mineral & Waste Local Plan – Cllrs RESOLVED to delegate a response to the clerk should the consultation affect Breinton.

21/12. Environment & Amenities

12. 1 Cllrs RESOLVED to support the Speed Indicator Device on Kings Acre Road.

21/13 Lengthsman

13.1 Councillors RESOLVED to instruct the lengthsman to investigate the blocked pipe or gully on C1189 causing surface water. The estimate cost range from £328 – £620 plus VAT dated 28th April provided by Richard Mills was approved subject to the upper estimate being the maximum.

13.2 Councillors agreed that the broken gate post was not a parish council matter but should be referred to the land owner.

13.3 All councillors agreed to defer the Letter of Agreement until the next meeting. Richard Mills had not returned the signed copy.

21/14 Planning

14.1 Cllrs were updated on the recent decisions.

P210408/FH Pippin Cottage 1 Cherry Orchard Hereford HR4 0SG – Proposed first storey extension – Approved

P210213/V Certificate of Lawfulness 317 Kings Acre Road Hereford HR4 0SS – Single storey rear and side extension – Approved

14.2 There were no current planning applications to be discussed.

21/15 Correspondence

15.1 Councillors were provided with all correspondence since the March meeting.

15.2 The Parish Council was saddened to hear the recent passing of Gillian Bulmer. Councillors wished to share their condolences with the Bulmer family. Gillian will be remembered for her contributions and valuable knowledge as a longstanding resident in  Breinton parish and as a former parish councillor. Cllr Moraweicka proposed a tree planting plan around Breinton in Gillian’s memory for discussion at the next meeting.

21/16 Items for next agenda

16.1 Code of Conduct

16.2 Tree Planting Plan

Signed ………………………………….                                                                  Date  ………………….

Chair/Vice chair

Date of next Meeting  – 16th June 2021