Minutes of Annual Meeting & Parishioners’ Meting
held on 17th May 2017
Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Anthony Powers, Lorraine Lewis, Keith Ray, Liz Morawiecka.
In attendance: John Wade (Footpath officer), Nicky Geeson (Tree warden), Graeme Adkin (Clerk).
1. Election of Chair
1.1 Anthony proposed Tony for Chair. Seconded by Lorraine. No other nominations. Tony duly elected as Chair for the coming year.
2. Apologies for absence
2.1 Jackie Morris.
3. Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.
3.1 None.
4. Minutes of meeting 22nd February & 22nd March and matters arising
4.1 Minutes discussed and agreed by Cllrs. Tony signed the minutes.
4.2 Cllrs agreed to amend the dispensation on discussion of the Hereford Area Plan (as discussed at the March meeting) to include discussion of the Hereford Transport Package.
5. Chair’s Annual Report
5.1 Tony had previously circulated his report and provided copies to the public attendees. He summarised the key events of the year, and thanked everyone for their support throughout.
5.2 Keith offered a vote of thanks to Tony for being an exemplary Chair, to Liz for her amazing campaigning, and to Ward Cllrs Bob Matthews and Anthony Powers, as representatives to give a clear insight into the current issues being considered by Herefordshire Council. Lorraine seconded this vote.
6. Election of Officers
6.1 Deputy Chair – Liz Morawiecka – nominated by Keith and seconded by Anthony.
6.2 Internal auditor – Tom Davies – had previously advised he was willing to continue. Duly elected.
6.3 Footpaths Officer – John Wade – advised he was willing to continue. Duly elected.
7. Approval of Accounts and Annual Audit
7.1 Cllrs considered each of the points on the Annual Governance statement for the y/e 31st March 2017, confirming there has been a sound system of internal control. Tony and clerk signed the statement.
7.2 Clerk explained the preparation of the accounts figures, to identify the figures on (Section 2, Accounting statements 2016/17), on the Annual Return. Tony and clerk signed the statement.
8. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay
8.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 3rd April 2017.
8.2 Cllrs approved the following payments:-
o HMRC for PAYE – £220.40. Agreed by email previously, signed April.
o Cllrs signed cheques for: –
Village Hall – £13.50 John Finch Computers – £75.00
Tree Warden Network – £25.00
Aon Insurance – £222.14
Lengthsman – £1,111.80
Centrewire (gate) – £129.60
Liz – reimburse publicity costs – £50
Clerk’s salary – as agreed by Cllrs
HMRC – £133.60
8.3 Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.
8.4 Clerk advised Cllrs of the works carried out by the Locality Steward.
9. Other Reports
Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
9.1 Bob updated the meeting on various issues likely to arise in the near future. He congratulated the Parish Council on the success of the public meeting held on 6th May.
9.2 Clerk reported several incidents in Breinton over recent weeks.
9.3 Clerk to advise parishioners to approach surveyors for i/d when working in the locality.
Footpaths Officer
9.4 John reported that he is time restricted until mid-June, but will continue his work as the Footpaths officer.
Village Hall
9.5 Lorraine advised that the VH meeting planned for today had been cancelled and will be re-arranged.
Tree Warden
9.6 Nicky provided her report to the meeting.
10. Environment and Amenities Working Group
Hereford Area Plan and Hereford Transport Package
10.1 Discussion on the public meeting held on 6th May. Focussed heavily on the Transport Package. Liz and Keith to liaise and circulate a draft for the Parish Council response to the consultations – deadline for submission is Monday 22nd May.
Interpretation Board
10.2 Keith is trying to arrange a meeting of the EAWG to consider the location and content of Interpretation Boards in Breinton.
‘Quiet lanes’
10.3 Tony advised that he has written to the Safer Roads Partnership.
11. Lengthsman
11.1 Cllrs agreed more warning markers are required by the dug-out ditch on Breinton Lane.
11.2 Attention needed to maintain Church Walk access from KAR.
12. Planning
Recent decisions
12.1 land adjacent to Veldifer House (170403) – 3 detached 4-bed dwellings. Application withdrawn.
12.2 Verso, Swainshill (170134) – approval of reserved matters for 2 dwellings at has been refused. Application approved with conditions.
12.3 The Stables, Pigeon House Barn (170991 & 1770992) – retrospective, construction of adjoining corridor linking main house and annexe. Approved with conditions.
12.4 Hala Carr (170986) – application to vary condition 2 of 163446. Approved with conditions.
Applications to consider: –
12.5 None received.
13. Correspondence
13.1 No points arising.
14. Items for next agenda
14.1 None advised
Meeting closed at 21.10hrs
Parishioners’ Meeting
1. Clarification that any funding shortfall from the withdrawal of the Lengthsman and P3 grants over the coming years will be met from the precept. The precept has been gradually increased to cover the shortfall as it has arisen. There will be no sudden increase in the precept as a result of this.
2. Concern raised over the pot-holes on the lane from Breinton Common to Stretton Sugwas. Clerk to contact Mike Gill and Bob Matthews for update on this.
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next meeting – 26th July 2017