Minutes of Meeting held on 17th October 2018

Present: Tony Geeson, Liz Morawiecka, Lorraine Lewis, Anthony Powers, Jackie Morris, Keith Ray

In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, Tom Davies (internal auditor), 4 members of the public; Graeme Adkin (Clerk).

1. Apologies for absence

1.1 John Wade (footpaths officer).

2. Declarations of interest & consider requests for dispensations.

2.1 None declared.

3. Minutes of meeting 22nd August, and matters arising

3.1 Minutes agreed and signed by Tony.

3.2 A couple of points were clarified.

4. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay

4.1 Clerk provided details of recent transactions, and the bank balance as at 5th September.

4.2 Cllrs approved the following payments:-
Herefordshire Ramblers (as agreed at August mtg) £50.00
Lengthsman £62.10
HALC (training) £36.00
Reimburse exps (Chair’s all’ce – £21.30; wreath – £30) £51.30
Clerk salary as agreed by Cllrs
HMRC (PAYE) £283.12

4.3 Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.

4.4 Clerk reported works completed by Balfour Beatty.

4.5 Discussion over fibre broadband. Clerk to follow up.

4.6 Clerk advised Bob regarding flooding incident in Stretton Sugwas. Bob to follow up.

5. Other Reports

Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

5.1 Bob updated Cllrs on a number of matters.


5.2 Nothing to report.

Footpaths Officer

5.3 Clerk updated the meeting that of missing gates on BT2. Clerk to follow up.

Village Hall

5.5 Lorraine advised of a couple of recent events, and that there had been a Committee meeting but she had been unable to attend.

5.6 It appears that the Parish Council will have first choice of meeting dates, though any subsequent changes would have to be at a time when theVH is vacant.

Tree Warden

5.6 Clerk read out Nicky’s report. Nicky to lead a walk on 27th November from Breinton Springs car park.

6. Fireworks

6.1 Discussion on plans. Clerk to follow up.

6.2 Cllrs agreed there would be no other entertainments at the fireworks event.

7. War memorial

7.1 Tony to discuss with Rob North. The Parish Council will support, but not be able to fund, any memorial at this stage.

7.2 Consider working with local history group, and possibly to incorporate a memorial to Brian Hatton.

8. By-pass

8.1 No further news on the by-pass as HC currently focussing on the southern link road.

8.2 Cllrs agreed no further action at this stage.

9. Precept

9.1 Cllrs identified a small arith error on the initial calculations.

9.2 Cllrs to consider HALC membership, housing needs survey and further archaeological excavations at next meeting.

9.3 Need to keep reserves if legal advice is to be sought in relation to the by-pass.

10. Consultations affecting Breinton

10.1 Tony has done the bulk of the work with the submission to the Hereford Area Plan consultation. Cllrs approved the response declared a vote of thanks to Tony for his hard work.

10.2 Highways Maintenance -this consultation identifies Balfour Beatty’s priorities, but there is little money available to carry out the necessary works.

10.3 Clerk to respond – highlighting the risks of injury to road users.

11. Environment and Amenities Working Group

11.1 Keith explained the discoveries from the excavations close to Breinton Springs. It has not been possible to accurately date the works at this stage.

11.2 It is likely that further works at Breinton Springs will be undertaken in due course. The National Trust has a small budget that will help with the costs.

11.3 Keith will arrange publicity and will give a presentation at the December meeting.

11.4 Tony advised that he was continuing with work on getting the speed restrictions for the lanes in the parish.

11.5 Keith confirmed that works with the interpretation boards is continuing.

12. Lengthsman

12.1 Works identified for the lengthsman.

13. Planning

13.1 No updates on recent decisions.

13.2 Banbh Farm – 183055. Discussion on this planning application. Clerk and Cllrs to respond to the Planning Officer with concerns identified.

14. Correspondence

14.1 Clerk to follow up Upper Hill issue.

15. Items for next agenda

15.1 Precept. Invite Lynda Wilcox.

Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair

Date of next Meeting – 14th November 2018