Present:  Anthony Powers (Chair), Tony Geeson (Vice chair), Jackie Morris, Liz Morawiecka, Lorraine Lewis

In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, PC Josh Kitchen, one member of the public and Emily Godsall (clerk)

  1. Apologies for absence

1.1 John Wade

2. Declarations of Interest and consider requests for Dispensations

2.1 None were declared

3. Minutes of meeting on 17th February, action points and matters arising

3.1 All Cllrs resolved the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting. The minutes were signed by separate arrangement on 20th February 2021.

3.2 Cllr Morawiecka is drafting the letter to Bill Wiggin on funding for traffic congestion and climate emergency.

4. HALC Subscription

4.1 Cllr Geeson proposed continuing membership to HALC as the only source of legal advice available to the council other than the clerk. Cllr Powers seconded.

4.2 All Cllrs agreed to continue the subscription to HALC for 2021/2022.

5. Clerk’s Report

5.1 Councillors approved the below payments:

Lengthsman £237.60

Clerk’s salary £300.00

HALC £657.18

Nepeta £190.00

HMRC £225.00

5.2 The clerk delivered the financial report detailing transactions made since the previous report, the bank balance as at 17th January 2021 and the bank reconciliation.

5.4 The cheques were signed, bank statements and invoices initialled by separate arrangement on 20th March.

6. Other Reports

Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

6.1 Cllr Matthews attended the meeting and provided a report on recent updates. Future flooding at Breinton Lee will hopefully be alleviated by a proposed ditch on the south side which is being discussed with the adjoining landowner.

6.2 In response to the current TRO not meeting the necessary criteria, Cllr Matthews believes Cllr John Harrington is interested in the 40 mph rural speed limit due to the large volume of cyclists and walkers on Breinton roads and suggested inviting Cllr Harrington to a meeting in the near future.

6.3 Cllr Matthews informed the meeting that the Warham Court Farm planning application 204242 is likely to go to Planning Committee due to the high number of objections.

Police report

6.4 PC Josh Kitchen attended the virtual meeting and informed the meeting that Breinton is not an area where many matters requiring police attention arise.

6.5 PC Kitchen agreed to investigate any road traffic collisions and excessive speeds reported in Breinton, which would support a rural speed limit case and pass these on to the clerk.

6.6 Police patrols have been limited during the winter months due to the flooding throughout Breinton. As the warmer weather approaches a police presence will be shown more at Breinton Common and Breinton Springs.

6.7 Following concerns on the size of the traffic using the C and U class lanes throughout Breinton the idea for potential weight restrictions can be raised by PC Kitchen.


6.4 John Wade confirmed all four of the of the BT2A footpath gates have been installed.

Village Hall

6.5 Cllr Lewis attended the most recent meeting of the village hall committee. The village hall remains closed due to Covid 19 . The free website provider currently used will not be available after May.

Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty)

6.6 The meeting was updated on the works completed and raised throughout the parish as detailed in Mike Gill’s weekly briefings.

7. Clerks Annual Appraisal

7.1 The Chair confirmed the annual appraisal took place on 18th January and a copy of notes from the meeting is kept on file.

8. Risk Assessment, Asset Register & Dispensations

8.1 All Cllrs reviewed and accepted the Risk Assessment previously circulated to Cllrs.

8.2 All Cllrs reviewed and accepted the Asset Register previously circulated to Cllrs.

8.3 All Cllrs reviewed and accepted the Dispensations previously circulated to Cllrs.

9. Financial Regulations and Standing Orders

9.1 Cllrs agreed to defer the item for these documents until they need to be reviewed.

10. Public Consultations affecting Breinton

10.1 In order to maximise the number of responses Cllrs agreed to respond to the Home to School Transport Policy Consultation as individuals.

11. Environment & Amenities

11.1 Cllrs agreed to defer the Breinton Signs item until a quote is provided by Balfour Beatty.

11.2 All Cllrs agreed for the BT10 broken handrail to be replaced with a metal handrail.

11.3 All Cllrs agreed participate in the Balfour Beattys late July/August single verge cutting programme throughout Breinton to promote biodiversity.

12. Traffic and Speeding Survey

12.1 The councillors discussed the results of traffic and speeding survey which do not meet the necessary criteria for a Traffic Regulation Order.

12.2 All councillors agreed to submit the formal response drafted by Cllr Geeson to Will Wilson, ADL.

13. Lengthsman

13.1. Councillors agreed to ask the lengthsman to investigate and provide to quote for a culvert on C1189 south of Manor Farm which overflows in heavy rainfall.

13.2 Cllr Powers raised the absence of a field ditch on the west side of C1189 as a  possible contributor to the flooding on this stretch of Breinton Lane. All Cllrs agreed for a meeting to be arranged between the landowner, Richard Wall, the lengthsman, Richard Mills and a parish council representative to make progress on the matter.

14. Review of the Lengthsman Contract

14.1 Examples of documents used by other local parishes have been previously circulated to councillors for information on reviewing the existing lengthsman contract.

14.2 All councillors resolved not to advertise the lengthsman contract. Instead, a new ‘Letter of Agreement’ for calendar year beginning 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2025 shall be issued to current lengthsman Richard Mills to approve and sign.

15. Future of Breinton Charities

15.1 The Chair informed the meeting that Breinton Charities is looking at ways to use its assets more efficiently including the possible development of the parcel of land off Green Lane.

15.2 Cllrs agreed for a meeting to take place between representatives of the parish council, Breinton Charities and the Hereford Community Land Trust, which all the trustees should be invited to attend and any discussions should be made public.

15.3 Cllr Geeson suggested writing to the Hereford Community Land Trust when some common ground is agreed to discuss the proposal before a planning application is submitted.

15.4 Breinton Charities is still searching for a new clerk. Any interested applicants are welcome to contact Phil Eyles.

16. Planning

16.1 Cllrs were updated on the recent decisions.

16.2 Cllrs discussed current planning applications to be decided by Herefordshire Council:

16.3 P210408/FH Pippin Cottage 1 Cherry Orchard Hereford HR4 0SG – Proposed first storey extension.

All councillors resolved that the parish council had no objections to the planning application.

16.4 P210213/V Certificate of Lawfulness 317 Kings Acre Road Hereford HR4 0SS – Single storey rear and side extension

All councillors resolved that the parish council had no objections to the planning application.

16.5 P210490/FH Heron Hill Breinton Hereford HR4 7PP – Proposed variation of condition 2 of planning permission 181681 (Proposed alterations at Heron Hill) change to render (painted black) in place of the timber cladding.

All councillors resolved that the parish council supported the planning application as the proposed variation would be more in keeping with the area.

16.6 All councillors agreed to cease the distribution of letters to neighbours of current planning applications other than in exceptional circumstances.

17. Correspondence

17.1 There were no questions on any of the correspondence received.

18. Items for next agenda

18.1 None

Signed ……………………………….                                                    Date  ………………….

Chair/Vice chair

Date of next Meeting  – 12th May 2021