Present: Liz Morawiecka (Elected Chair), Tony Geeson (Vice chair), Jackie Morris, Lorraine Lewis
In attendance: Ward Cllr Bob Matthews, 2 members of the public and Emily Godsall (clerk)
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 Cllr Keith Ray, John Wade (Footpaths officer)
2 Declarations of Interest and consider requests for Dispensations
2.1 Cllr Morawiecka declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 11.2. The application is on land adjacent to her property and did not take part in any discussion.
3. Minutes of meeting on 12th May, action points and matters arising
3.1 All Cllrs RESOLVED the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair Cllr Moraweicka.
3.2 No request for an election has been received for the casual vacancy. The Council may now co-opt a councillor as soon as practicable.
4. Clerk’s Report
4.1 Councillors RESOLVED to approve the below payments:
Village Hall £18.00
HMRC £226.79
Lengthsman £61.68
Clerk’s salary £300.00
4.2 The clerk delivered the financial report detailing transactions made since the previous report, the bank balance as at 17th May 2021 and the bank reconciliation.
4.3 The cheques were signed, bank statements and invoices initialled.
5. Other Reports
5.1 Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
5.1.1 Cllr Matthews attended the meeting and provided a report on recent updates. Following on from Breinton Lane not meeting the criteria for the TRO, an alternative is being considered.
5.1.2 The planning application for Land off Breinton Lee 201747 was approved by the Planning Committee meeting on 9th June subject to the Case Officer’s recommendations. A scheme to prevent the frequent flooding is to be put in place.
5.1.3 The amended plans for Warham Court Farm planning application have been published. Further information is required on the traffic, ecology/drainage and heritage assessment.
5.2 Police
5.2.1 The meeting was updated on the two vehicle crimes reported at Breinton Springs in 2021.
5.2.2 Cllr Morawiecka informed the meeting of other numerous recent vehicles crimes at Breinton Springs.
Action – Contact Safer Neighbourhood Team to request crimes to be communicated as soon as possible after they happen. Ask SNT and the National Trust for advice on warning the public of the risk to parked cars.
5.3 Footpaths (John Wade)
5.3.1 BT2A near Kings Acre Road is overgrown and requires strimming.
5.3.2 BT2 width meets the required minimum width.
5.3.3 BT3 fallen branch has been cleared by the landowner so the path is accessible.
5.4 Village Hall
5.4.1 Cllr Lewis reported that the village hall are looking to purchase new tables with the grant received.
5.5 Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty)
5.5.1 The meeting was updated on the works completed and raised throughout the parish as detailed in Mike Gill’s weekly briefings.
5.5.2 The condition of the ditches and potential mud run off from the numerous potato and maize fields throughout the parish need to be addressed before September.
Action – Clerk to contact Mike Gill to ask if any progress has been made with the landowners.
6. Public Open Session
6.1 No questions were raised the public.
7. Tree Planting Plan
7.1 Councillors RESOLVED to progress with the plan and potential locations attempted be found before the September meeting.
Action – Contact the Cider Museum, landowners and Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty) to explain the plan and invite any suggestions on potential locations.
8. Public Consultation affecting Breinton
8.1 PCC Town and Parish Council Survey- councillors RESOLVED to submit the response to the survey. Cllr Geeson drafted the response.
9. Environment & Amenities
9.1 Cllrs RESOLVED to accept the Balfour Beatty quote for £597.00 + VAT for the village signs, subject to confirmation that all installation costs are included. A site visit is to be requested for the repositioning for the Breinton Lane (C1189) sign.
10. Lengthsman
- Councillors RESOLVED to instruct the lengthsman to strim the BT2A near Kings Acre Road.
10.2 Councillors lengthsman. The schedule included:
- Clearing the summer growth on Shepherds Lane from the slab and open drains before September.
- Clearing all drains and grips annually subject to approval of a quote prior to works commencing. A package of priority drainage works to the maximum value of £750 before September.
- Strim around the Breinton Common bench and interpretation board and the Breinton Springs interpretation panel twice annually.
- Cleaning all signs annually.
- Filling grit bins which aren’t owned by Herefordshire Council.
10.3 Councillors RESOLVED to request a quote for all the drains and grips to be cleared annually.
10.4 All councillors RESOLVED to defer the Letter of Agreement until the next meeting. Richard Mills had not returned the signed copy.
11. Planning
11.1 Councillors were updated on the recent decisions.
P201747/RM – Land off Breinton Lee, Kings Acre Road, Hereford. Planning Committee approved in accordance with Case Officer’s recommendations.
P203893/FH Long Meadow Breinton HR4 7PA – Retrospective swimming pool and pool house associated with main residence – Approved with conditions
11.2 Councillors RESOLVED to submit a reiterate the original objection to the amended plans on 204242/F Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent – Warham Court Farm.
12. Correspondence
12.1 Councillors were provided with all correspondence since the March meeting.
Action – contact Herefordshire Council planning department to ask for an explanation on the absence of drainage plans on recent applications.
Action- ask Ward Cllr Bob Matthews about the S106 money agreement for the Breinton Lee (201747) development.
13. Items for next agenda
13.1 S106 wish list
13.2Tree Planting Plan
13.3 Lengthsman letter of agreement
13.4 Three Elms planning application (162921)
13.5 Co-option of new councillor
Signed …………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next Meeting – 15th September 2021