Present:  Anthony Powers (Chair), Tony Geeson (Vice chair), Jackie Morris, Liz Morawiecka, Lorraine Lewis, Keith Ray

In attendance: 1 member of the public and Emily Godsall (clerk)

  1. Apologies for absence

1.1 Cllr Bob Matthews, John Wade

2. Declarations of Interest and consider requests for Dispensations

2.1 None

3.1 Minutes of meeting on 11th November, action points and matters arising

3.1 The minutes were agreed and then signed via separate arrangement on 21st December.

3.2 The action points and matters arising were discussed

3.3 Clerk to ask Nepeta for a complete list of the broken links on the new website

4. Clerk’s Report

4.1 Councillors agreed to the below payments:

Clerk’s salary £300.00

HMRC £237.00

LexisNexis Arnold Baker Local Council Administration £119.99

Village Hall unpresented cheque £18.00

Lengthsman (as per quote, Breinton Springs interpretation board) £468.00

4.2 Councillors noted payment made under clerks delegated powers:

HMRC £50.23

4.3 The clerk delivered the financial report detailing transactions made since the previous report, the bank balance as at 17th November.

4.4 The cheques were signed, bank statements and invoices initialled by separate arrangement on 21st December

5. Other reports

Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

5.1 The chair summarised the written report received from Councillor Matthews which included confirmations of Cabinet’s decision on a Hereford eastern river crossing, S106 money for funding the Kings Acre Road cycleway and review of an upgrade for the Bridge Sollars road through to Madley & Belmont.

Police report

5.2 The meeting was informed of the latest reported crimes in the parish.


5.3 Cllrs discussed the broken gate latch, sign and post on BT2A confirmed broken by John Wade and agreed that the landowner should be responsible for the repair. The clerk shall contact Phil Abell.

Village Hall

5.4 Lorraine Lewis informed the meeting that the village hall committee treasurer Mike Harries has been maintaining the village hall building.

6. Clerk Expenses Policy

6.1 Cllrs agreed the wording needed to be altered for clarity and the policy shall formally be approved at the January meeting.

7. Meeting Dates 2021/2022

7.1 Cllrs approved the below meeting dates:

12th May 2021

16th June 2021

15th September 2021

13th  October 2021                  

10th November 2021                           

15th December  2021              

19th January 2022        

16th February 2022                  

16th March 2022

11th May 2022

8. Public Consultations Affecting Breinton

Signs of Safety Survey

8.1 Cllrs agreed not to submit a response

The Future of Rubbish/Recycling in Herefordshire & Future of Mobility: Rural Strategy Call for Evidence

8.2 Cllrs agreed to add these consultations to the January meeting agenda

9. Environment & Amenities Working Group

Breinton signage

9.1 Cllrs discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the two village entry sign options sent by Balfour Beatty which were previously circulated.

9.2 Cllrs agreed to ask Balfour Beatty to clarify whether the regulation requirements referred to in their email apply to all village signs or only to signs provided by Balfour Beatty/Herefordshire Council.

9.3 It was agreed a decision could not be made until these regulations were clarified. Breinton Signage item to be added to January agenda.

Breinton noticeboard

9.4 Cllrs discussed the materials GRP, polycarbonate and UV protected perspex as potential materials for the noticeboard on Kings Acre Road.

9.5 Five Cllrs agreed in principle to use UV protected perspex for the noticeboard on provision of a quote from the lengthsman and his knowledge on the longevity of the material. One cllr abstained.

10. Lengthsman

10.1 Cllr Tony Geeson raised the ongoing problems of overflow water on C1189 south of Manor Farm and where BT2A crosses the C1189, where Complete Utilities have been working and may have blocked the grips/ditches.

10.2 All Cllrs agreed to notify Locality Steward Mike Gill with these issues and ask for clarification whether the responsibility for them lies with the landowner or Highways Authority.

11. Lengthsman

11.1 Cllrs discussed the advice received from HALC on the lengthsman’s letter of agreement and re-advertising this contract. All Cllrs agreed to postpone a decision on the item until January  when further information on a current model contract and examples of best practice from elsewhere have been sourced.

12. Planning

12.1 The meeting was updated on the recent decision 203396 School House Breinton HR4 7PG (Proposed taking down of the existing porch and construction of a new larger hallway & wet room, plus other internal alterations) approved with conditions

12.2 The Cllrs agreed to submit a response on P203893/FH Long Meadow Breinton HR4 7PA (Retrospective swimming pool and pool house associated with main residence) addressing concerns regarding the visual impact, size of the development and potential drainage issues.

13. Correspondence

13.1 Cllrs all agreed for the clerk to complete the DSE user self-assessment form.

14. Items for next agenda

14.1 Clerk Expenses Policy

Review of Lengthsman Contract

Breinton Village Signs

Traffic and Speeding Survey

The Future of Rubbish/Recycling in Herefordshire

Future of Mobility: Rural Strategy Call for Evidence consultation

Signed ……………………………….                                                    Date  ………………….

Chair/Vice chair

Date of next Meeting  – 13th January 2021