Breinton Parish Councillors formally agreed, and signed off, the Community Led Plan (CLP) at their meeting on 26 February 2014.
Since that time, most of the Councillors have been actively involved with the Neighbourhood Plan (NP). Tony Geeson has provided updates on the NP in the pages of Teamtalk, the website and notice boards. This NP will be a major drain on councillors’ time over the coming months. If anyone else would like to get involved and help with the NP, then please contact either the parish clerk, or Tony Geeson.
However, the Parish Council has also managed to start on works identified in the CLP Action Plan, and this is to let you know what steps have been taken since the CLP was agreed: –
1. In the campaign to halt the proposed relief road through Breinton, councillors have continued to lobby through the Here For Hereford group, and the Core Strategy Campaign Group. Nicky Geeson has done further work on studying the flora and fauna of Breinton to emphasise the environmental importance of the area.
2. On road safety, some councillors and the clerk met Balfour Beatty’s Locality Steward for the Area and explained the key areas on the roads which require urgent attention and repair. Unfortunately, it is unlikely there will be any ‘quick fix’ to these problems. Following 2 serious accidents outside the exit from Wyevale, Ward Cllr Bob Matthews is working to improve the road signage outside Wyevale.
3. The Parish footpaths officer will also have a Parish Walk with the Locality Steward in June, to highlight current problems along the parish footpaths.
4. Information was provided in a report in a previous edition of Teamtalk, the website and notice boards explaining how the public can report problems with roads to Balfour Beatty. Similar information has been publicised to report fly-tipping.
5. Agreement has been reached with 2 landowners and the Lengthsman to improve the drainage in Lower Breinton. This work should be complete by the time you read this!
6. To ensure that information is disseminated as quickly as possible, reports are regularly displayed on notice boards, the website and in Teamtalk. The notice board at Cranstone was repaired in April!
7. The Parish Council also support local community events (such as in the Village Hall and the Farm Open Day at Warham Court Farm) by publicising events on the website and notice boards.