To no-ones’ surprise Herefordshire Council’s Cabinet yesterday approved one of their seven
shortlisted routes for further more detailed work. The red route crosses the Wye closer to
Hereford 1/2 km downstream from Warham House, runs through the Community Farm and
goes across the A438 Brecon Road (Kings Acre Road) at the middle of the three possible
crossing points right by the Bay Horse pub. It takes out the western 13 lime trees in the
avenue of 60+ and may threaten the future of the three local businesses.

According to the Council’s consultants all the seven routes perform very similarly on cost,
engineering and traffic forecasts so the distinction between them was made on environmental
and social grounds. Basically the red route destroys a few less trees and means that one less
house will be demolished. Crucially – the consultant’s words – mitigation for noise, air, lightpollution
is easier with the red route than other close competitors. The Woodland Trust may
take up the campaign on potential damage at the chosen crossing point and its impact on trees
particularly given the recently strengthened National Planning Policy Framework in respect
of ancient woodland and notable trees

The chosen red route does pass closest to large housing estates south of the Wye and some
local residents are getting concerned. Based on the consultation results from earlier this year
public opinion is currently 59% for a bypass and 41% against. 80%+ want active travel

All the consultation responses are in the 400+ page consultation report. Amongst these are
consultants suggestions for housing growth around Lower Hill Farm / Westfaling Street /
behind the Crematorium. Although not actually in the parish it would impact on the Adams
Hill end of Breinton if it were to go ahead. We are awaiting the next draft of the Hereford
Area Plan being prepared by Herefordshire and Hereford City Councils to see what areas they
prefer for housing within the city

The next stages in the Hereford roads saga are a formal consultation by Herefordshire before
Christmas followed presumably by a planning application and secondly the Public Inquiry
into Compulsory Purchase Orders for the southern link road. This runs from the A49 around
the south of the city to Belmont Abbey on the A465. It then becomes the start of the proposed
western bypass through Breinton.

Breinton Parish Council will be meeting on 22 August to discuss this (and other matters) but
we may wait until Herefordshire’s next consultation before calling public meetings. At that
point there will hopefully be more information including any road closures and details of
cuttings, embankments etc.