PARISH COUNCILLORS are summonsed to attend the meeting of the parish council on

  1. Apologies for absence

2. Declarations of interest and requests for dispensations

3. To approve the minutes of the meeting on 10th November 2021 & discuss actions points (no

4. Public Open session – to receive comments from the public on parish matters (no decisions)

5. To receive a report from Ward Cllr Bob Matthews

6. Planning
6.1 To receive an update on planning application recent decisions
6.2 To consider comments on current applications to be decided by Herefordshire Council

  • P/204242/FH Planning Permission & P204243/L Listed Building Consent – Warham Court Farm
  • P/211939/FH The Pavilion Hill Road Breinton
  • P/214052/FH 317 Kings Acre Road Hereford – The works include the replacement of a single storey
    rear extension with a single storey rear and side extension
  • P214237/PA1 175 Kings Acre Road Hereford – Proposed single storey rear extension which will extend
    beyond the rear wall of the dwellinghouse by 4.50 metres. The maximum height of the enlarged part
    of the dwellinghouse is 3.24 metres and the height of the eaves of the enlarged part of the
    dwellinghouse is 2.97 metres
  • P213951/O Land adj Eaton View Breinton Common Hereford HR4 7PR – Outline planning permission
    for the erection of one dwelling and garage.

7. Finance
7.1 To consider the following payments:

  • John Finch Computers £75.00
  • Breinton Village Hall £18.00
  • Donation to Teamtalk magazine £1000.00
  • Two new noticeboards £500.00
  • Clerk’s salary as agreed by Cllrs

7.2 To consider and approve the bank balances, income, expenditure and bank reconciliation

8. To consider the Precept for 2022-2023

9. To receive a report on the Village Hall

10. To receive an update on the recent crime within Breinton

11. To receive an update from Mike Gill (Balfour Beatty) on recent works carried out

12. To receive a report from the Footpaths officer and consider neccessary actions

13. To identify further works for the lengthsman

14. To receive an update on the Tree Planting Plan and consider the next actions

15. To consider councillor’s attendance at HALC training sessions

16. To discuss correspondence received (no decisions)

17. To receive requests for Items on Next Agenda

The next meeting of Breinton Parish Council will be held on 19th January 2022