Minutes of Meeting
held on 22nd February 2017
Present: Tony Geeson (Chair), Anthony Powers, Lorraine Lewis, Keith Ray, Liz Morawiecka.
In attendance: Tom Davies (internal auditor), 3 members of the public, Graeme Adkin (Clerk).
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 Jackie Morris, Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
2. Declarations of interest & requests for dispensations
2.1 Councillors signed the attendance book.
2.2 Liz advised that she knew those involved with Nepeta, so chose not to speak, or vote, on the matter regarding website hosting and support.
2.3 No other declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.
3. Minutes of meeting 18th January 2017 and matters arising
3.1 Minutes were agreed, and signed.
3.2 Matter arising: – Tony apologised that he is not able to attend the VH AGM this Friday.
3.3 Tony will assist delivery of the VH questionnaire – the deadline for return of completed questionnaires has been extended.
3.4 Clerk to follow up Hereford City for response to speeding on KAR.
4. Clerk’s report, including bills to pay
4.1 Clerk gave details of the financial statement as at 31st January.
4.2 Cllrs discussed the options for website hosting and support for the coming year. Although the Nepeta quote is more than Astutium, Nepeta do provide support (unlike Astutium) and their quote includes a one-off payment to transfer the website across to their host server.
4.3 Keith proposed that Cllrs opt for Nepeta. Lorraine seconded, and the vote was 4 in favour, and none against.
4.4 Cllrs approved payments as follows:-
HALC subs (2017/18) £589.54
Nepeta (website hosting & support) £230.00
Village Hall £40.50
Clerk salary (February) as agreed by Cllrs
4.5 Cllrs signed cheques, initialled invoices and bank statements to verify amounts reported.
4.6 Clerk to prepare County Times report to include fly-tipping and dog fouling.
4.7 Clerk advised that the police had recommended that vehicle registration numbers of fly tippers’ vehicles not be publicised.
4.8 Clerk advised Cllrs of the works carried out by the Locality Steward.
4.9 Cllrs agreed the proposed dates for the meetings over the forthcoming year. Clerk to circulate dates.
4.10 Clerk to write a letter of condolence to Gill Wall’s family, as she recently passed away. The Parish owes Gill a debt for all the work and support she has given the village over the years.
5. Other Reports
Ward Cllr Bob Matthews
5.1 In Bob’s absence, Tony reported that the decision on the route of the WRR is unlikely to be made before summer 2018.
5.2 It was agreed that the Parish Council will request copies of the Annual Monitoring reports (housing) from Herefordshire Council.
5.3 Clerk advised that “no crimes or incidents of interest” in Breinton in the month to 31st January.
Footpaths Officer
5.4 Clerk advised that John Wade was continuing with his check of the PRoWs.
Village Hall
5.5 The event with 52 Skidoo was a great success. Cllrs that a vote of thanks for Sue Preece for organising the event, be minuted.
Tree Warden
5.6 No report, other than for a follow-up to the TPO request for the lime trees on KAR and a response from Hereford City Council.
6. Environment and Amenities Working Group
6.1 Keith has spoken to 2 people interested in joining the working group.
6.2 Keith has discovered evidence to suggest that Breinton Springs may in part be linked to a Mercian fort (C9th). There may also be connections between Lower and Upper Breinton, and possibly even Hereford. Keith will follow up this research and report in due course.
6.3 Keith advised that he had received pledges of funding for a geophysical survey of land opposite Wyecliffe. Cllrs agreed that the Parish Council will bank such pledges and make payments as required for the survey, but the Parish Council will not fund such payments.
6.4 Keith advised that he had secured private donations for an ecological report, as well as further research into the platform north west of Breinton Church. Keith will contact Iain Carter to ensure that the National Trust are kept updated of this work.
6.5 Tony and Clerk to commission letter for the geophysical survey to Tiger Geo, and a grant application
Breinton Springs Interpretation Board
6.6 Keith’s research discovered that there is no architect’s drawing of the church, and that the tithe map was virtually illegible. He will approach Geoff Gwatkin for permission to use his extracts.
Quiet lanes
6.7 Tony has discovered a Government paper from 2013, which sows a change of wording to make a case for 40mph lanes in Breinton. Tony to follow up with Safer Roads Partnership.
Banbh Farm
6.8 Tony advised that a small group of local residents are serious about putting in a bid for this land.
6.9 Cllrs agreed that the Parish Council will not offer to purchase the land.
Notice boards
6.10 Clerk to identify the order to replace the PC notice boards, and also identify a source for acquiring new ones.
7. Lengthsman
7.1 Cllrs agreed the lengthsman quote to improve the drainage at the entrance to the bridleway just south of Manor Farm, (£252 + VAT). Also for carrying out ditching work further along Breinton Lane. It was agreed that timely notification to the landowner and Locality Steward will be required.
7.2 Clerk advised that the lengthsman has been advised to continue installing the 2 gates on BT2 as previously requested. Both have been received.
7.3 Cllrs approved the draft Annual Maintenance Plan for the clerk to submit this to Balfour before the end of the month.
7.4 Clerk to request lengthsman to clear the drains at various locations in the parish; also query pothole repair on church road; and also write to landowners to request they clear ditches when hedges cut.
8. Planning
a) Recent decisions
9.1 Planning applications for Crinkham Cottage (163771), Warham Court Farm (153319), Pigeon House Farm (153299 and 153319) and Hala Carr (163446) have all been approved with conditions.
b) Applications to consider: –
9.2 Middle Barns, Lower Breinton (170203 and 170204). One letter of support received from a neighbour. Cllrs had no comments on the application itself, (other than they do not like retrospective applications) but expressed concern that the Planning department had failed to notify it as a listed building, and that the Building control officer had previously signed off the building when it had not been developed in accordance with the original plans. This is not fair on the next purchasers of the property. Clerk to follow up.
9.3 Church House, Lower Breinton (170312). The concern expressed by the Cllrs was that water from a downpipe on the western side of the house went straight onto the lane. This water should be taken to a soakaway on the property.
9.4 Verso, Swainshill (170134). No comments
10. Correspondence
10.1 No points arising.
11. Items for next agenda
11.1 None advised
Meeting closed at 21.10hrs
Signed ………………………………. Date ………………….
Chair/Vice chair
Date of next meeting – 22nd March 2017